Small Group Sign UP

Small Groups starting the week of January 15th!

At Bayside Church, we believe that spiritual growth happens best in community. Below is a list of the Small Groups we currently offer, each with a brief description to help you find the perfect fit. Whether you're looking to deepen your faith, build friendships, or share life’s journey, there's a group for you!

Click the button below to sign up and join a Small Group today.


  • Adult Sunday School

    Sunday Mornings 9:00AM

    Verse by verse Bible Study, currently studying the letters of Paul (all of them). We are currently in the book of Romans. 

  • Adults of All Ages Group (Howard & Laura Petree)

    Sunday Mornings 9:00AM

    All adults are welcome to this sermon discussion group.

  • Men's Bible Study (Bill Metcalf)

    Tuesdays 7:00AM

     This group will study The Journey: How to Live by Faith in an Uncertain World by Billy Graham.

  • Women's Bible Study-GALATIANS (Cath Wilson's Home)

    Tuesdays 10:00AM

    This group meets at Cath Wilson’s house and will be going through a Beth Moore Bible Study- Book of Galatians.

  • Men's Group (Bob Barter)

    Tuesdays 7:00PM

    This group discusses live experiences and how Scripture guides us through them. We follow up on Sunday sermons and include reading assignments as well.

  • Grace Place- Bible Study

    Wednesdays 6:00PM

    Hymn Singing and Bible Study.

  • Adults of All Ages Group (Bill & Dotty Metcalf)

    Wednesdays 6:30PM

    Sermon Discussion group with particular emphasis on life application of what is discussed in the sermon. We work to provide a safe place for asking questions about Scripture and the Gospel for new believers.

  • Young Families Group (Bill & Michelle Barlow)

    Wednesdays 6:30PM

    This group is made up of parents of kids and youth who discuss the sermon each week and build community together.

  • Young Adult Group (Elissa Anglum, Keith & Abbey Drummer's HOUSE)

    Sundays 6:00pm

    This group is for young adults (ages 18-28) We aim to build a community going after authentic faith and creating Christ-like relationships.