Click on the image to the right to hear the vision behind Greater 2020!

$823,146.31 has been given as of

JANUARY 31, 2020!!

Phase 1  - COMPLETED

150K / 150k total

  • 10% to Missions ($15,000)

  • Parking Lot

  • 50K Debt Reduction

Phase 2  - COMPLETED

250K / 400K total

  • 10% to Missions

  • 50K Debt Reduction

  • Sanctuary Seating, Floors, Walls, Stage

Phase 3  - COMPLETED

150K / 550K total

  • 10% to Missions
  • Carpet Kids' Classrooms
  • 50k Debt Reduction
  • All Restrooms

Phase 4  - COMPLETED

330K / 880K total

  • 10% to Missions


Applying the Biblical Principle of Firsts:

The First 10% of everything that comes in will be released for local and global impact outside the walls of the church.



150K / 150k total

  • 10% to Missions ($15,000)

  • Parking Lot

  • 50K Debt Reduction


250K / 400K total

  • 10% to Missions

  • 50K Debt Reduction

  • Sanctuary Seating, Floors, Walls, Stage


150K / 550K total

  • 10% to Missions

  • Carpet kids’ classrooms

  • 50K Debt Reduction

  • All restrooms (lobby, CM, upstairs)


(Switched phase 4 and phase 5)


  • 10% missions

  • 300K to debt reduction


(Switched phase 4 and phase 5)

200K / 1.08 M TOTAL

  • 10% to Missions

  • 100K Debt Reduction

  • Lobby and Offices


250K / 1.33K total

  • 10% to Missions

  • West Side Expansion / Portico


1) What is Greater 2020? 

Greater 2020 is a 3-year spiritual stewardship campaign that focuses on advancing the present and future Kingdom impact of Bayside Church. It is a commitment to, and celebration of, our mission to see more people become more like Jesus.

2) Are the Pastoral Staff and Elders in agreement on the Campaign? 

Yes, the leadership of our church is in 100% agreement on the timing and the goals of the campaign.

3) How will facility improvements support our mission and ministries? 

Studies tell us that guests determine within the first 2-7 minutes whether they will return to a church. That speaks volumes about the power of our first impression. Our sanctuary, bathrooms and offices have not had significant upgrades since the building was built nearly 30 years ago.

4) How will Greater 2020 improve our ability to reach more people?

In addition to the power that happens as we unite around a common vision; the campaign will also release literally tens of thousands of additional dollars into local and global missions. If fully funded, Greater 2020 will strengthen our church by reducing, and eventually eliminating, our mortgage debt. This will free up as much as $7,000 per month (that currently goes to service debt) to be used for ministry.

5) Will our church be borrowing money to complete any of the renovation phases? 

No, the elders have agreed that we will use a “pay as you go” philosophy as we move forward with the work. No new debt will be incurred during the Greater 2020 campaign. In fact, debt reduction and elimination is part of the Greater 2020 campaign. 

6) What is the overall financial goal of the Greater 2020 campaign?

The total goal for the 3 years is $1.33 million. However, there are 6 Phases (Goals) along the way, increasing incrementally by approximately $220,000. 

7) Does the congregation need to vote on the campaign? 

The congregation does not need to vote on the stewardship campaign, but will need to vote on any large renovation expenditures. The Elders intend to present a spending plan to the congregation during the annual business meeting in November.

8) How can I support the Greater 2020 campaign?

Pray and be part of the journey. Pray for our church. Pray for our Elders, Staff and Campaign Team. Be part of the campaign and prayerfully consider your commitment pledge. Greater 2020 is a special offering and should be “over and above” the regular tithe that supports Bayside’s general operations. Commitments can be made by giving weekly, monthly or annually over a three-year period. 

9) I have appreciated stocks or real estate; can I give it to support the Greater 2020 campaign?

Yes. If you have appreciated assets you would like to donate, please reach out to our Executive Pastor, Randy Spence or our Office Administrator, Roxanne Freed. Both can be reach through the Church Office.

10) If I can’t give as much as others is my participation in Greater 2020 still important?

Absolutely yes! Everyone is encouraged to participate in this campaign. Our theme for the campaign is, “Not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice” (II Cor. 8:1-11). In Luke 21:1-4 Jesus said the poor widow giving two mites (worth approximately $2.50), had given more than anyone else. Why? Because of the sacrifice her gift represented. Your support of Greater 2020 is not measured in dollars, but rather your desire to see more people become more like Jesus.